Etiquette In Swinging

11. ALCOHOL OR DRUGS - Most of us do not use drugs, although some of us drink socially. At times, a few
drinks are nice to help you “relax”. Over-indulging may hamper your physical abilities, as well as offend or
turn other people off to you. If you have to over indulge in order to participate in swinging, you are
involved in the wrong lifestyle.

12. PRACTICE SAFER SEX - It is up to us to protect ourselves as well as our partners. With the present
concern over sexually transmitted diseases such as syphilis, gonorrhea, aids, yeast infection, etc., the
use of condoms should not offend anybody. Anyone not willing to take this precaution is acting selfishly
and irresponsibly. You are not being accused of being unclean, but simply someone wishes to provide
you both with protection.

13. CALL TO SAY THANKS - Most people only use the telephone if they are going to go somewhere.
Lost seems to the social ambiance of a ‘Thank-You Note’ or phone call to someone whose hospitality
you enjoyed. It means a lot to most people, and they will surely remember you when planning their
next event. Don’t you like to be thanked?

14. BE GOOD HOSTS - When you have people coming to your home, try to anticipate their needs:
put clean sheets on the beds; keep plenty of clean washcloths and towels available. Show your guests
through the house so that they will know where the bathrooms, kitchen, and other rooms are located.


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